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Tamora Pierce

Event session

This comment about Elizabeth Warren's refusal to be silenced during a Senate session were meant as an explanation for how Warren's behavior was unacceptable. Instead, they quickly became a feminist battle cry, celebrating women who never gave up in a system stacked against them. In this panel, we talk about the badass women in history who Got Shit Done.

Research is a key ingredient in good storytelling, as many writers tell you. When the character knows something you don't or the world works in a way that's beyond your current knowledge, accurate details are a must. What do you do when your character knows the ins and outs of a subject when you can only absorb the cliffnotes? How do you build a world's political climate when you flunked government class? Where do you even start researching, and how do you know what you're looking for?

Authors, artists, and musicians gather in one room for signing/book-selling/chatting with fans.

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